Credit Rating of Invescore NBFI JSC.

MIRA has confirmed Invescore NBFI JSC’s credit rating
MIRA has affirmed Invescore NBFI JSC ratings at ‘A’; the Rating Outlook is Stable.
- Issuer Rating: A (Investment Grade)
- Invescore Bond Rating: A (Investment Grade)
- Outlook – Stable
Rating sensitivities
Positive: Provided that the company sustains its liquid assets and maintains reserves at a prudent level to mitigate potential liquidity risks, the company’s income could become more diversified when the operations of subsidiary companies in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan markets stabilize. Future developments that could collectively lead to a positive rating action include the following:
- Ongoing enhancement of the assessment of borrowers’ creditworthiness;
- Increased liquidity and financial resources;
- Improvement in the operational and financial performance of subsidiary companies operating in international market.
Negative: Detrimental factors such as a decline in operational performance, weakened liquidity, compromised risk management framework, and lapses in the adherence to ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems may lead to an adverse impact on the credit rating. The following events, either independently or in conjunction, have the potential to exert a negative influence on credit ratings:
- Unmet expectations of business expansion;
- Decreased liquidity amidst funding difficulties;
- Deterioration of risk management and internal control systems.
Outlook: Stable
Stable outlook is a short-term outlook based on the quality of company’s loan portfolio, stable growth, good risk management system, and diverse funding sources.
Company profile:
Founded in 2016, “Invescore NBFI” JSC (RN: 6060854, Address: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Sukhbaatar district, 1st Khoroo, Parisian Street, IC tower, 14th Floor) is engaged in lending operations, factoring operations, trust services, investing in short-term financial instruments, and providing advice and information with a special license from the Financial Regulatory Commission.
The rationale behind the Credit Rating and Outlook is available at Invescore rationale EN | Mongolian Investment Ratin Agency (
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